Rules and Regulations


These are the list of school rules in order to maintain discipline.

To attain this goal, everyone must contribute through responsible daily behavior and respect of individual liberties for the smooth running of the school, thus guaranteeing the enrichment of all.

These School Rules must be respected in order to allow us all to live in harmony and promote, everyone’s conscious effort, true autonomy.


Student Responsibility

Students are responsible at all times for their own personal conduct and conformance with the School Rules.

Responsibility Of Teachers, Staff and Directors

They have the responsibility to explain the School Rules of conduct to their students, guiding them towards greater autonomy while using appropriate reminders as needed.

Parental Responsibility

They have the responsibility to carefully explain the School Rules to their children in order to facilitate understanding and show their accord with the educational team.

Students must have consistent information from the group of adults surrounding them. Incoherence can be perceived as an area of concern.

  • To explain the rules to their child – in particular the notion of “respect”.
  • To cooperate with the school in the event of disrespect by their child of the school rules.
  • To give their child a well-balanced meal.
  • To ensure a good study environment at home in the evenings.
  • To bring their child to school on time.


Attendance – Absences


90 percent attendance is mandatory for all


It is required of students to regularly attend all classes scheduled for their grade, as well as, the activities chosen at the beginning of the year. Punctuality is a primary rule to observe. The administration must be informed of any absence by 9:30a.m. that same day. After 3 consecutive days absent, the student must provide a medical certificate attesting that the return of the student involves no contagious risk.


Under no circumstances may a student be taken from the school during the day without the administration given prior notice. Except in the case of illness or urgency duly justified by the parents, students are expected to be present for the entire school year. Failure to do so could result in their readmission being refused.

Medical appointments should be made outside of normal school hours.

The administration reserves the right to refuse a student permission to leave a class during the day, if the reason given does not appear to be of utmost urgency.

Student Dress and Conduct

Students must come to the school in proper attire. If this basic rule is not observed, the principal or his representative reserves the right to refuse entry to any student.


A polite attitude and use of proper language are expected from students towards all school personnel, their friends and any person met in the school or its immediate area.

Respect for School Property

Students must be responsible for the cleanliness of the school (picking up in the classrooms, corridors, etc.). Particular attention, starting at the youngest age, must be given to respecting school furniture, property and supplies left at the disposal of students. Damage done intentionally to the grounds or due to the improper use of equipment will warrant disciplinary action, and parents will be held financially responsible for repairs. Students must keep track of their belongings (books, clothes, lunch boxes, etc.), and not let them lie around in the hallways.


It is important to arrive to class on time in order to take full advantage of the school day, and, in particular, not to upset the work of others and the concentration of classmates who arrived at the proper time.

School rules must be respected by the whole school. In this way, we can benefit from a school with an excellent atmosphere in which to study and enjoy ourselves.

  • All students arriving late must go by the office to ask for an authorization pass to enter the class. The adult who brings the student to school must then accompany him/her to the classroom.

All late arrivals are noted. If late arrivals of a student are unjustified or frequent (3 in two weeks or 5 in a month) :

  • First time       : The teacher contacts the family and informs the Director.
  • Second time : The Director or the Administration summons the parents. Late arrivals are mentioned in the Bulletin.

  • Third time      : The  Administration  summons  the  parents  again  and  a  temporary  suspension  ( 1 -  3  days ) is put into effect. It is                            recorded in the school files.


Behavioral Etiquettes -

  • Respect for others, adults, and students.
  • Respect for one self.
  • Respect for the property of others, that of the school, and also, one’s own personal belongings
  • Listen to others and the teacher.
  • Do not speak at the same time as others.
  • Raise one’s hand and wait one’s turn to speak.
  • Be kind, do not hurt, do not mock, do not fight.
  • Be polite.
  • Do not use bad or insulting language. Respect the property of others and that of the school.
  • I keep my belongings tidy, for example: my schoolbooks, my school backpack, and my jacket.
  • I ask permission before using someone else’s belongings and I return them promptly.
  • I only bring to school that which is necessary : no toys nor money, except for a small amount (i.e. on “croissant” day or for a field trip).
  • I take care of school materials, especially books and furniture.


In the Classroom –

  • I do not copy and I do not cheat. I do not disturb my friends.
  • I agree to share or to lend.
  • I never run in the classroom.
  • I raise my hand and wait for my turn to speak.
  • I speak in French during French classes and in English during English classes.
  • I keep the classroom and my belongings clean and tidy.


In the Rest Rooms –

  • I keep them clean and I use flush in the toilet.
  • I do not play there and stay there for required time only.


 In Common Areas: library, corridors –

  • In the library I am silent, I do not eat, I take care of the books, I do not disarrange them, and I return them promptly.
  • In the corridors, I do not run, I’m quiet and stay in line.
  • In the picnic area, I eat properly and I do not waste food. I do not throw anything on the ground and I pick up anything that I have dropped.


In the music room –

  • I respect the equipment and I follow the instructions of my teachers.


On the Playground and Recreation Area –


  • I stay in the authorized areas.
  • I ask for permission to go out.
  • I am friendly and polite with everyone. I use proper language (no swearing or name-calling). I invite others to join in my games.
  • I do not disturb the recess or the games of others. I never fight. I share the equipment with others.
  • I pay great attention neither to hurt myself nor to hurt someone else. (For example: I do not throw stones, I am very careful near swings and on the climbing frames).
  • As soon as recess is over, I collect up all my belongings and I get in line.


During Movement in Groups –

  • I do not trail behind. I maintain order and I make as little noise as possible.


During Fieldtrips:

  • I never go far from the group without asking permission from an adult.
  • I am polite with everyone I meet and I respect the rules of the places I visit.
  • I pay particular attention to the instructions given by adults, for my own safety and that of others.


Students’ Responsibilities

  • Students are responsible for their own conduct.
  • In the interests of others, they respect these rules. They should go to a teacher if they witness one of the serious rules (safety or language related) being broken by another student.


Teachers and the Director

  • Teachers and the Director explain the rules, in particular the notion of “Respect”.
  • They are responsible for discipline and the well-being of everyone on campus. They take disciplinary action.


Disciplinary Actions

In case of disregard or disrespect of the school rules, the following measures can be put into force according to the seriousness and the frequency of the fault(s) committed:

  • Reminder of the rule and warning given to the student by the teacher.
  • Teacher-student discussion with disciplinary action:- extra work to be carried out during free time at school or at home;
  • For the younger students, loss of 5 minutes of playtime.
  • The teacher can decide to inform the parents and/or the Director.
  • Temporary expulsion from class (30 minutes): The student is sent to another class with work to carry out. The parents and the Director of the school are informed.
  • Teacher/Student/Director conference: disciplinary action is taken, a note or letter of warning is sent to the parents.
  • Summons of the parents by the Teacher, the Director or the Administration: it is then decided to give either a suspension of several days, or 10 to 25 hours of work to be done for the school outside of normal school hours.

Disciplinary action will be taken for either bad conduct or failure to do work. Parents are always notified of such actions.

Failure in the application of these regulations will result in one of the following steps:

  • Reprimand by the teacher (the 3rd time leads to a warning)
  • Warning, with additional homework: this indicates serious wrongdoing. The 3rd warning leads to a two-day suspension.
  • Temporary suspension declared by the Principal (from 2 to 8 days)

In very serious cases, the School Council is called together as a disciplinary body to reach a decision regarding permanent expulsion of a student, proposed by the principal