The ‘Code of Conduct’ states that we will respect personal rights and protect school property; cooperate with and support each other and take responsibility for maintaining the safe environment. The teachers’ right to teach and a student’s right to learn cannot be disturbed by the actions of others. Savvy Internaonal School, Gandhidham is committed to developing positive inter-personal relationships between members of the school community. Misconduct of any kind and degree is unacceptable. The golden rule that applies in all circumstances in our school is as follows:
- Students are expected to maintain a high standard in their general behaviour and manner of speech.
- Using unfair means during a test/examinaon will not be acceptable.
- Bullying or using any form of physical/emoonal violence against a fellow student or any member of the staff will not be acceptable.
- Students are advised to speak in English language in order to maintain a suitable level of spoken and wrien English.
- School uniform is compulsory at all mes. Clothes must be clean and ironed. Shoes must be polished. Please come in school uniform/games uniform even vising school on holidays or in evening hours
- Damaging school furniture, fixtures / building or things belonging to others will not be acceptable.
- Movement to classrooms a er assembly, sports class, the library, laboratories, music, art, dance etc should be done in silence and in orderly manner.
- To ensure that your ward does not bring expensive items, electronics items, cell phones etc. Or large sum of money to school.
- Personal hygiene and neatness are of prime importance. Hair must be neatly groomed, worm short in case of boys and neatly ed (preferably in 2 plaits) in case of girls with long hairs.
- If child comes late to school i.e a er 1st bell, he/she will be send back home.
- On birthdays children are allowed only to distribute toffees/chocolates. Nobody will be allowed to celebrate or have party in the class.