Rules to be followed by Parent’s :-

  1.  Parents are requested to read the contents of the school Almanac carefully and in the interest of the child abide by the rules & regulations laid down by the school.
  2. Kindly ensure that all the details in the almanac are complete.
  3. Any urgent message may be communicated at the school reception telephonically. Phone calls from parents for any teacher or student during the school hours will not be entertained.
  4. Parents are requested to sign the reports, test papers, teacher’s remarks in the notebooks/school almanac so that they are abreast with the progress of their child. They are also requested to visit the teachers whenever called or on PTMs and orientation programmes.
  5. Please do not send your child to school if he/she is feeling unwell. A proper application or Medical Leave must be submitted in writing by the parents.
  6. Parents are expected to go through the school calendar carefully and make a note of important dates and events, especially parent-teacher meetings, tests and examinations.
  7. Parents must register a permanent mobile phone number/ landline number with the school on which SMS and other alerts may be sent. In case of change, the parents MUST notify the changed number in writing within 3 days.
  8. Parents/Guardians are not permitted to enter class rooms to meet their children or to seek unscheduled interviews with teachers during school hours. Prior appointment for meeting the staff must necessarily be taken through green appointment cards given at the back of the almanac.
  9. Usage of school bus is compulsory for all students unless, parents take on the responsibility of a drop & pick of their ward.
  10. No application will be entertained requiring the student to leave the school premises for any personal / social function i.e. marriages, birthdays, going out of station, pujas etc. parents are requested to regulate their personal schedules accordingly.
  11. A student’s Progress Report Card will be shown to Parents in every term, as per the schedule.   These must be signed by parents after discussing their ward’s progress.
  12. Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities and sports.
  13. Parents are requested to pay school fees on time (On Quarterly Basis).
  14. Parents have to keep proper check on whether the home work allotted to students is done regularly or not.
  15. Parents are requested not to give any valuable stuff (Ex. Expensive Pens, Pouches etc.) to children, In case child loses it; the school is not responsible for it. 


Rules To Be Followed By Students:-


  1. Every student must carry his/ her almanac and identity card to the school every day.
  2. Students should affix their photograph and write the required information which must be duly signed by their parents in the space provided in the almanac.
  3. Students who come to the school on their own should arrive 15 minutes before the bell rings.
  4. Students are expected to take proper care of the school property. It is for their convenience.
  5. They should not write, scratch or engrave graffiti on desks, chairs and other surfaces.
  6.  Damage done even by accident must be reported at once to the Principal/ Headmistress/Class Teacher. Anyone who notices something damaged must report the matter to any of the personnel mentioned above.
  7. Using unfair means in a test or examination is a grave offence. A student who is found using unfair means will be awarded zero in the subject and will be issued a strict warning.
  8. Students are not permitted to carry cellular phones and pagers to the school. They are not allowed to use school phones without permission.
  9. Misbehavior inside the school premises or in the school conveyance may also lead to disciplinary action against the concerned student. Objectionable behavior, use of abusive language, discourtesy and disrespect to the teachers, disobedience and irregular attendance will also lead to strict disciplinary action.
  10. Under no circumstances will crackers, fireworks, firearms and any other inflammable material be permitted in school. A student indulging in any act of indiscipline could be given severe punishment.
  11. Bunking classes or school is strictly prohibited.
  12. Students should submit class and home work regularly for corrections.
  13. If student reach late to school/ or is not in proper uniform/ found talking in Hindi; they will be sent back home.
  14. All students have to maintain proper discipline in and out of class, while coming out for assembly, lunch break and dispersal.


General Rules:-

  1. The school or any teacher, or any staff will not be held responsible for any loss or damage or injury of whatsoever nature caused to the student inside/outside the school due to his/her own act or expression, negligence or any inter-se dispute between the students, intentionally or unintentionally creating any circumstances which would lead to causing hurt/injury/damage to such student by any object or human being.
  2. The school is not to be held responsible for the loss of personal belongings. It is not advisable for students to bring valuables to the school.
  3. No money collection for any purpose is allowed to be made in the school without prior permission of the Principal.
  4. The school does not permit the celebration of birthdays in the school campus. Only distribution of simple sweets is permitted for the same.
  5. We do not grant half day leave, so no permissions are to be taken in this regard.